Maceió tourist bridges

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Conheça os Pontos turísticos de Maceió, aproveite toda a natural beauty of the city alagoana. Discover our main restaurants. This is what we do but all the cities of the world, along with paths and incredulous passages.

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Clearly you should know about the Maceió beaches, and you can easily read photos on the internet. However, Maceió is next to its beach paradises, and can be visited by tourists.

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Além de todas as natural flavors, gastronomy and various passages, you will be delighted with the people of Maceió. Com ótimo atendimento, excelente acolhimento e un sorriso encantador, esse é o povo de Maceió. Conheça os tourist pontos de Maceió.

Quays as melhores praias de Maceió?

First, we will direct you to Praia de Ponta Verde, an urban beach, with dark waters and a flood. This is where the beach outside lindas goes, Pajuçara and Jatiúca, which contam with all the structure and beautiful characteristics of Maceió.

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In Pajuçara you will encounter the swimming pools that I have taken to the natural swimming pools, in one of the swimming pools. Please note that Praia do Frances is located 20 km from Pajuçara. However, all of these must be met by the structure of bars and restaurants for the tourist.

At Praia da Barra de São Miguel, located 32 km from Pajuçara, you will encounter a climate but you will be able to explore it. Only reefs that protect the beach have a charm apart. Visit ainda to Praia de Ipioca, e Hibiscos, além e Maragogi, éclaro.

Praia do Gunga, outside Praia Linda, located 42 km from Pajuçara, already near the beach but Linda de Alagoas. If you want to impress Gunga beach, you don't want to visit Gunga beach. As many natural swimming pools are available, you can also visit them.

Local craftsmanship

First place, where local craftsmanship is of first class, in Feirinha da Pajuçara it is a bridge to meet the taste of craftsmanship. You will encounter all the types of craftsmanship made, madeira, and other local materials.

Além of doces and typical foods, it has been made available for tourists. Besides the obligation at the Pontal da Barra, you will find a unique border style. Realized by many communities that are affected by lakes.

Théo Brandão Museum

Museu Théo Brandão, installed in the eclectic palace of the 19th century. You have encountered a collection of popular art by Théo Brandão, a false scholar in 1981. You have encountered a collection of popular artists from all over the world.

With ceramics, sculptures, paintings, and so on, cord folhetos and brinquedos. Além disso, você vai contrarr peças religiosas (católicas et afro-brasileiras), bem like, utilitários de povos indígenas de Alagoas.


The tourist attractions of Maceió have a hope of nature. This is an opportunity to visit this incredible city.