Visit Athens

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Visit Atenas and conheça um dos lugares mais históricos de la monde, esta é a maior cidade da Grécia, where cradle of philosophical thought. Bem like artistic inspiration and political thought.

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Além disso, em Atenas você você encontra un belleza natural única, bem like, uma arquitetura maravilhosa. Visit Atenas é ter um encontro com toda a história, quase que um museu ao ar livre.

Onde você tem um mergulho na mitologia grega, incluindo vários templos famosos como o de Partenon do seculo 5a.C. Finally, visit Athens and have an incrível journey, with places that impress all of your visitors.

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Reserve a minimum time of 3 days, so that Atenas is a place to stay, just at a certain time to conhecer seus encantos. Visit Atenas and tenha um encontro com a história, sem mais demoras, conheça tudo sobre Atenas.

When to visit Athens?

At the beginning, when the temperature is very low, it tends to be at the same temperature as it is at the same time. Se você ama o calor, quer to visit in praias, visi Atenas nos meses de junho a agosto. In the meantime, this is a period with many tourists.

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Visit our hotel from April to June at a time of optimal temperature, and with our tourists in the city. This time you will encounter many preços, send me convidativo, possibilitando but passios.

You will encounter taverns, but as such, guests are welcome in all of them or in winter, with the best prices. In the meantime, visit Atenas our month of November and the fever is gone with little frio.

Before you mark the date of your life, consult the temperature in Athens, dessa forma, você vai ter momentos melhores na cidade. Please note that you should visit during your trip to Grécia.

Where do you fazer em Atenas?

The first place to stay is about 100 meters from Acropolis (which is the highest city) to the rest of Athens. This is a rocky colina conhecida in all the world, this is a sanctuary for the cult of various species.

Please visit the Partenon, assim como, or Erecteion, eo Novo Museu da Acropolis. You also have the Temple of Zeus Olímpico and the Arco de Hadrian, you also have the Library of Adriano, the Teatro de Dionísio and the Odeão de Herodes Atico.

Never before at the Agioi Theodoroi balneário, a beautiful beach where I frequented during the whole time. Before you ever meet or visit Athens, maintain the quality of all of them as formas.

Visit Athens and enjoy an encounter with its history, how it is, the praias lindas, and the restaurants that impress me. No longer but tempo, brand agora mesmo sua viagem até Atenas.

Onde ficar em Atenas?

For this reason, you will know how many options you have in your hotel to be hosted in your hotel at Atenas. Conheça a list of melhores hotéis para ter ter dodo comforto et da astrutura em sua viegem até Atenas.

  • InnAthens
  • Coco-mat Athens BC
  • COMO-MAT Athens Binocular
  • Elia Ermou Athens Hotel
  • Electra Metropolis
  • Acropolis View Hotel

You can contact some of the hotel's hostels, place them at the hotel and have approved all the arrangements for the hotel's accommodation. Aproveite os hotéis que móximos near noite de Atenas, você semper vai contrar a noite agitada na cidade.