How to take an online pregnancy test

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Do you have doubts about a possible pregnancy? You want to know how to take pregnancy test online ? In this article, we will introduce you to the best online tests available for you.

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The online pregnancy tests are practical and simple tools to assess the likelihood of pregnancy, based on the assessment of certain signs, symptoms and behaviors.

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Sometimes, when women face delayed menstruation, fear and despair can make it difficult to analyze other symptoms.

For this reason, the online pregnancy testsThey are an excellent option to help analyze the situation better, with more lucidity.

In general, these tools perform calculations based on the information obtained, which makes it possible to obtain a percentage of pregnancy.

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Given the number of online pregnancy tests, we've prepared a list of the best tools to answer your pregnancy questions.

1. Clear Blue "Am I pregnant?" » Quizzes

First, we present to you the free online pregnancy test in the form of a quiz available on the website of Clear Blue.

So, everything is very simple, just answer the 8 questions of the quiz “Am I pregnant? ».

The quiz works as a first indication of pregnancy that will let you know whether or not you should take a pharmacy test and/or a blood test.

Depending on the result of the quiz, the Clear Blue website itself offers effective and modern pharmacy test options for several different cases.

2. Pregnancy Test Quiz

Then we offer you a pregnancy test app which also includes a quiz, the Pregnancy Test Quiz.

This app has a fairly comprehensive quiz with questions based on different pregnancy symptoms.

Once you have downloaded and opened the app, you will find 3 different options in the app's main menu. On the one hand, you will find a online pregnancy test and on the other hand, 2 sections on home pregnancy tests as well as advice on the signs of pregnancy.

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Finally, not only does the application serve as a " pregnancy calculator and helps you find out if you are pregnant or not, but it also has a section with various tips.

This application is only available for Iphone.

3. Pregnancy Tracker Pro

In conclusion, we present to you the famous application Pregnancy Tracker Pro, well rated by users.


Unlike the other tools presented above, which have a quiz format, the application Pregnancy Tracker Pro tracks menstrual period and ovulation period, then combines the data to predict the probability of pregnancy.

In fact, this application was designed for women who wish and prepare for pregnancy. This means that this application, in addition to checking the possibility of being pregnant, helps you prepare for a future pregnancy.

However, this pregnancy test app is only available for android, and only in English.