Measure blood pressure in real time via smartphone

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Want to know how measure blood pressure in real time via smartphone? In this article, we will explain how to do it. 

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What's more important than taking care of your health? Controlling your blood pressure is something you cannot give up. 

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In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported that more than a million people worldwide suffer from hypertension problems. 

It is important to know that blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood inside the blood vessels with the force coming from the beating of the heart. 

In this sense, hypertension problems are the result of an alteration in blood pressure. 

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Then, the blood pressure is considered normal when the maximum reaches 120 mmHg, and the minimum is around 80 mmHg, and this corresponds to the desired 12/8 pressure. 

How to measure your blood sugar with your smartphone

Therefore, it is essential to monitor blood pressure regularly. 

Thanks to the many health apps that are available, the excuses for not taking care of one's health no longer exist. 

So, here is a list with the best apps for measure blood pressure in real time via smartphone

1. Withings Health Mate 

First, we introduce you to the application Withings Health Mate

If you're looking to lose weight, be more active, monitor your blood pressure, or even sleep better, this app is a great option for you! 

In fact, Withings Health Mate is an application that brings together different tools to take care of the health of your body as a whole. 

In other words, it is an application aimed at optimizing the way you take care of yourself. 

Additionally, it is an easy to use and understand application. 

Then you can use the results of the application to show them to your doctor and make his treatment even more effective. 

Finally, this application for measure blood pressure in real time via smartphone is available for android and Iphone. 

2. SmartBP 

Then we offer you the famous application SmartBP. 

So, SmartBP is a blood pressure management app that lets you record, track, analyze and share your blood pressure information using your smartphone. 

This application is complete and easy to use, and for Apple users, the SmartBP synchronizes with Apple HealthKit

You can use tags to make the analysis more complete, by adding notes (e.g. "before dinner") and measurement information (e.g. "session", "left arm") using tags. 

The app also has an attractive design and you can view blood pressure variations in graphs and statistics separated by time and date. 


In this sense, with your blood pressure information at your fingertips, you will now be able to play a more active role in managing your daily health.   

This app is available for android and iPhone. 

Finally, these are some tool options that can help you measure blood pressure in real time via smartphone and improve your quality of life. 


The applications and conditions presented in this article may change at any time, without notice and at the expense of their developers.

For more details on each app, go to your favorite app store – Google Play Store Where App Store – and download the option that suits you best.