Which country has the largest fleet of electric cars?

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Which country has the largest fleet of electric cars? Remembering that the bigger the fleet, the less pollution there is.

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The world is fighting pollution by all means. Swapping the fleet for electric cars is one of the best ways.

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Since gasoline-powered cars are one of the biggest pollution villains. However, making this exchange is not the easiest task.

Structuring a country to receive supply points is not cheap. Added to this is the price of electric cars, which remains high for a large part of the population.

It still has the range of cars, which is increasing now, but at first it was very small. Be that as it may, many factors are delaying the race to change car fleets.

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But it is an urgent need, given the growth of pollution in the world and its consequences. Let's find out here which countries manage to switch fleets faster.

Or who is leading this race for the good of the global environment.

4- Germany

First, let's acknowledge all of Germany's efforts to change its fleet and increase electric cars.

After all, we cannot forget the country's success in the automotive sector. However, its success is in the sector of thermal and non-electric cars.

In this way, producing a fleet change is even more difficult. Using the year 2021 as the research base, the purchase of electric cars has almost doubled in the country.

Thus helping Germany to overtake the United States in terms of sales.

In 2021 alone, Germany sold 690,000 electric cars. Led by the giant Volkswagen, which sold more than 750,000 electric cars worldwide during this period.

A big step forward to improve the global environment. Which country has the largest fleet of electric cars?

3- Sweden

Of course, Sweden would not be outdone in this race to fight pollution.

Also based on 2021, the percentage of electric cars has increased from 30 % to 42 %. In other words, almost half of the country's fleet already has electric cars.

We can say that in Sweden the main culprit of the jump is Volvo. This has allowed the popularization of the electric car in the country.

Currently being one of the world's leading electric car manufacturers. The automaker's fleet is huge, including electric buses and trucks.

Thus, Sweden is firm in the fight against pollution, expanding access to electric cars in the country.

2- Norway

When you think of an electric car revolution, you think of Norway. The country now occupies a privileged position, with around 75% of the fleet in electric cars.

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Every 10 cars, almost 8 cars are electric. The contribution to the environment is enormous. If we think about this same ratio in the global scenarios, it will be spectacular.

Thinking only of recent purchases, this would represent 86 % of electric car purchases. Thus, we can say that the fleet will soon be entirely made up of electric cars.

Finally, get to know the great champion of the manufacture and sale of electric cars.

1- China

Chia seems truly unbeatable when it comes to making and selling electric cars. Even with the crisis that the pandemic has brought, the country has recovered in 2021.

To get an idea, about 57 % of all electric cars manufactured in the world came from China. In fact, this reality is far above most countries.


A giant production capacity, which supplies many world markets. China is way ahead of other countries when it comes to electric cars.

With an excellent refueling infrastructure distributed throughout the country. Electric car buyers are buying without having trouble refueling.

This facilitates sales on Chinese soil. These are the countries with the most electric car fleets in the world.