Applications that will help you with prayer

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So, you want to pray to God, or even learn to pray and reconnect with God? Applications that will help you with prayer.

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There are now applications that will do this, there are apps that will help you read the Holy Bible or meditate,

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In a world where people are so busy, or only think about work and earning money, where people waste their time doing worthless things, how about taking advantage of an app to pray a little?

More than ever, people need to have more contact with God and to remember the importance of His love. We must always meditate on the word of God and take some time to be closer to God.

So, you can also take advantage of your cell phone to bless your life, you can start reading the Bible and learning to pray today. We will know the applications to have God closer.

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Apps to locate a person's cell phone


Using Hozana you have access to novenas, sharing of intentions and meditations.

It is also a community which will connect Christians and where you can combine your prayers and ask for graces for your special requests.

You only need to register for the novena or meditation chosen on the app and Hozana is available on App Store and Play Store.

You go follow mass online and there is the possibility of receiving by email during the nine days the text of the chosen novena. Applications that will help you with prayer.


The app offers podcasts, praise and the quote of the day, it also offers multiple suggestions.

It depends on your mood or how you want to be closer to God. One day you can just listen to the quote of the day and think about God.

You find there a playlist of praise, you also have the texts of the day, rosary meditations and many other tools to pray.

We can say that YouPray it's like human and spiritual coaching and the app is available on App Store and Play Store too.

The Bible App

So, if you have children, they can and must know the Word of God, this app offers the biblical stories well explained andan easier life for children.

The Bible App also offers animated videos on passages from the Bible. Children can do fun activities to learn and understand Bible stories.

Children will learn the great stories of the Bible. With interactive adventures and beautiful animations, it's great fun to encourage children to use it again and again.

This is the beginning of contact with God and will last a lifetime. There Bible App is available on App Store and Play Store. Applications that will help you with prayer.

Read also:

Pray Today

Pray Today offers the texts of the day and you will meditate with them, there is the meditation of the gospel of the day and also the song of the day.

You can use a small notebook where you can copy each day the words that challenge us and with your reflection. Applications that will help you with prayer.

The Pray Today app can become a perfect app to boost your spiritual life. It is free, but financed by donations from its subscribers.

Finally, the app is available on the App Store and Play Store.


The applications and terms presented in this article may change at any time. Without notice and at the expense of their developers.

For more details on each app, go to your favorite app store – Google Play Store Where App Store – and download the option that suits you best.