Apps to reduce anxiety

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Are you looking for apps to reduce anxiety ? In this article, we will present the best options for you.

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Indeed, the diagnosis of anxiety is increasingly common in the world's population.

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Some argue that anxiety is a growing ill plaguing the world today.

Regardless of age, gender, financial situation or type of job… Anyone can suffer from anxiety.

So anxiety and anxiety disorders are a group of psychiatric disorders marked by excessive or constant worry that something bad is going to happen. 

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Sometimes the anxiety problem can also manifest itself in physical symptoms, such as sweating and irregular heartbeat.

According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), 264 million people live with anxiety disorders on the planet. 

But just like other illnesses, there are treatments for anxiety, and various activities can help you manage the symptoms.

So, in this article, we are going to introduce some apps to reduce anxiety available to help you.

1. Head Space

To start, we present to you the famous application Head Space, which is highly rated by users.

This app is known as a meditation and sleep app, it teaches you how to breathe and meditate.

SO, Headspace can help you focus, breathe, stay calm, and create the conditions for a better night's sleep through guided meditation and mindfulness practices.

The app offers exercises to help you control anxiety, relieve stress, and live with more happiness, calm, and focus. 

Head Space is available for android And Iphone, and offers a free basic meditation package.

On the other hand, this application also has a paid "plus" version.

2. Calm

Then we offer you the application Calm.

It is one of the most popular sleep and meditation apps of its kind.

SO, Calm is for everyone, whether you are a beginner in meditation or a confirmed expert.

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The app is also for anyone who needs a mental break, a soothing sound or a peaceful night's rest.

Among the tools of the application, we can mention: meditation of the day, sleep stories and special music.


In fact, music can help your mind relax, focus, and get into a flowing state.

This application is free and available for android And Iphone, but there is also a paid version.

3. Dare: Anxiety & Panic Attacks

To conclude, we present to you the application Dare: Anxiety & Panic Attacks.

Rated best anxiety app of 2019 and 2020, Dare helps you get free quickly from anxiety and panic attacks.

Panic and anxiety attacks can happen at any time, and that's why Dare is always ready to support you.

So when you need it, you can listen to the free audios of Dare ou access support anytime, anywhere

Dare teach you how to handle situations and gain confidence.

Finally, this application is free and available for android And Iphone, but it also has a paid premium version.